Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
Photographer: Jessica W. Levin for Gossamer
I went into grad school loving the cup, and loving how it could exert friction on someone’s daily life. I had this cup that had an egg on the side of it. And when you take a drink from it, the egg pokes you in the face. I really loved that. Loved it. It made you pay attention to the moment, to what is this typically mundane experience. I wake up, I have coffee every morning. Because of its frequency, I lost how important those mornings were. I think this is the crux that goes back to diabetes. Every moment is precious. You have to take advantage of them because this will end, you will lose this. I was trying to make these cups that I would give away or sell to my friends. They’re not easy. They’re sort of like this weird object that you can’t help but grab. You’re attracted to it like a bug is to a flower. Like, “What is that thing? I want to pick it up.” This is a cup. And then you use it. You can’t help but pay attention to that experience.
I really am seeking to ... inject whimsy and playfulness and hopefully lightheartedness and joy into moments that can lose their potency.