
Michael Geertsen

We Come In Peace



Contemporary Danish ceramic art superstar Michael Geertsen's 2011 exhibition, WE COME IN PEACE, at the Jason Jacques Gallery.

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Contemporary Danish ceramic artist Michael Geertsen is a virtuoso of the art of manipulating clay into dynamic wall sculptures and exciting free standing ceramic lifeforms glazed in bold primary colors. Michael joined the gallery as an internationally acclaimed veteran in the art world with an established reputation and impressive museum resume. This publication is the companion to the 2011 exhibition "We Come in Peace", at the Jason Jacques Gallery.

Artist's Statement:
I characterize my exploration of ceramics in this exhibition, We Come in Peace, as
an eclectic manifesto. In meta-artistic terms and with complete naturalness, I cite historical currents and epochs of art, design, and architecture. Movement as motif is a key mode in my work: energetic, capturing space, unfolding without resistance. It is a complex encounter between the decorative elements and the sculptural form of the actual object. The objects appear as pulsating bodies with cylinders, funnels and cones sucked in and out of their forms. The push and pull calls attention to the fact that this closed sculptural body has an interior; one that is cut off from the human eye, but is nonetheless present as a close and meaningful active element.

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